Get to know Gaia Education programmes in São Paulo

Educational programs at the heart

of São Paulo

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ToT - Training of Trainers:

ToT São Paulo 2018 (Brazil)
ToT São Paulo 2024 (Brazil)

Gaia Education

“EDE in Damanhur was an incredible journey where I learned a lot about my inner
landscape- how many creative tools there are to create an honest, holistic transformative
relationship on the outside with other fellow human beings and with myself.”

EDE 2022

Gaia Education

“The course was a very intense, beautiful experience. Two months afterwards
while still trying to integrate the experience into daily live, I slowly realize,
that I cannot integrate into the old, because the course has changed the old”

EDE 2019

Gaia Education

“Joining Gaia Education’s ToT at Damanhur was an eye-opening journey. In the serene environment and excellent training facilities, I discovered the true power of learning from fellow participants, each bringing a unique perspective. Beyond the curriculum, this experience reignited my connection with myself, fostering introspection and personal growth. It was a remarkable opportunity to not only expand my skills as a trainer but also deepen my understanding of sustainable living through shared experiences with an incredible group of changemakers”

ToT Damanhur

Gaia Education

“Being with a good group of peer trainers in a beautiful setting in a training skillfully held by Macaco was deepening the GAIA Education methodology through an intense week of facilitators inputs, group exploration and practise. Networks built, new projects to emerge, stronger facilitation in all walks of life, where participants in this ToT will find themselves. Thank you for a powerful ToT.”

ToT Damanhur