To honour the memory and work of Jane Rasbash at Gaia Education

It’s with a heavy heart that we regret to inform you that Jane Rasbash, our friend and colleague, has passed away today (31 October 2024), exactly on the day of her birthday - and on the day of Samhain.
Jane has been an active member of Gaia Education, serving on the board of trustees as well as on the management team in recent years. Before that, she and Pracha Hutanuwatra were vital contributors to the ongoing development of our Ecovillage Design Education and Training of Trainers curricula, sourced from their pioneering work in Mindful Facilitation. Jane developed and managed several projects at Gaia Education, represented the organisation on many occasions, and was a brilliant trainer, facilitator and counsellor to the entire organisation and our partners. She was a ferocious advocate for the need for a global Worldview shift to ‘decolonise’ our mindsets, and advocated for community-led change across the globe.
On this difficult time for family and friends, we want to honour Jane and open a space for all to come together and celebrate her life and impact on the world. Jane helped Gaia Education and the Global Ecovillage Network to become the organisations we know today and her legacy will stand for many years to come.
We have opened free space below to share your condolences, and invite all of Gaia Education's friends and partners to write. The writings will be shared afterwards with Jane’s family and friends.
Hello my dear friends, I'm so sorry for our lost!
My heart goes out to you all at this time, and I hope that she has a peaceful passing and that the hearts of her family are comforted with love! I had the pleasure of meeting Jane during the World We Want Gaia Education strategy meeting in Estonia in 2028 and during the Emergence of Gaia Youth Networks online conference last year or the year before, I can't remember. Through her I met Bobo Lwin, Myamar's change agent, whom I find very inspiring.
We continue to weave, sending love from Brasil
This is the first news I got when I opened my laptop today. I met Jane in person in 2018 when she came to OUR Ecovillage to co-facilitate the Train of Trainers (ToT), a course she co-designed for Gaia Education. She was full of life and passion and I got to work with her as part of Gaia Education for many years. I am still in shock for her unexpected passing and for not having had the opportunity to say goodbye. Her contributions to the Great Turning will always live with all those who had the privilege to work with her or the courses she created. A big loss for the Gaia Education community.
Dearest Jane, thank you for the time, energy, and love you shared with the world. After many online meetings with the management team of Gaia Education, I enjoyed spending time and wine with you during Cop26, which is a cherished memory of mine. Thank you for everything. Much love to your family during this difficult time.
Dear Gaia Education,
It's a big loss for you and for us all. May the good lord give her family and the enter Gaia Education team, the courage to go through this very difficult moment. Her works will always be remembered..
When I first heard Jane was preparing to transition, I had a feeling she would choose the very special day of her birth. What a powerful way to go onward for such an incredibly impactful human being. I am holding all the generosity and wisdom she shared with me in immense gratitude. Thank you Jane.
Its with great sadness to hear about the passing of Jane and my love and prayers go to her family and close friends for this time of grieve and sorrow through her passing out of this world.
But its also a time to honor her beautiful and powerful work in this world for many decades and her being integral part of what Gaia Education is and is about and what the organisation stands for in her way of being in the world and on contributing so much towards the great transformation and regeneration. Having met Jane for the first time in 2016 as co-facilitator of the EDE in Findhorn left such powerful and empowering impressions of how a different world our hearts know is possible could be like and brought into being, embodied by her and her work. In that sense she was part of a transformation of my own life and my ongoing engagement as part of Gaia Education and the beautiful work the organisation does for the world and having had the honor and pleasure to work with Jane on various occasions since then, her being a driving force and a beacon of strength and hope no matter how challenging things may have looked like.
Her work and spirit will live on in all of us who were touched by her and will be through the work of Gaia Education in the years to come.
Beautiful Jane, I remember her so well from the EDE in Findhorn where she offered her energy and wisdom in the facilitation training with Pracha. Only a few weeks ago I was telling a friend how amazing that training had been. She was a profoundly inspiring person who dedicated her life to a more beautiful world. May she be well and at peace, wishing her family and loved ones strength and love. With love, Inge
Deepest condolences to all who are enduring the loss of this powerful human being.
Ah, dear Jane...............passionate and so deeply committed to helping us understand the need for thorough-going decolonisation of the western mind. Your life of service has been a great gift to us all. Blessings to you in whatever form the mystery opens up to you in this moment of transition.
Dear Jane! I thank the Universe for allowing our path to cross. I love your passion and dedication to the work that you do with Gaia. May you soul rest in perfect peace. Go Well Jane!
Dear Jane,
Personally our paths have never crossed. I am but deeply thankful for the foundations you laid for GAIA education and subsequently GEN. I discovered GEN in Switzerland in 2013. Until that point I was terribly pessimistic about life, GEN's perspectives brought new life to myself. I feel deeply blessed by all the work you and your peers have poured into both organizations.
It was very nice to be trained by you at Findhorn for the Train the Trainer program. I enjoyed our conversations, and your caring heart. Bless the community who knew you that they may carry the torch you passed to them.
I saw it was the birthday of Jane and wanted to reach out. And then I hear she passed, just today. Still cannot really believe it. A true inspiration for me, as a trainer and as a person, back to my EDE in Findhorn in 2011 and later the Training of Trainers, the Erasmus+ project YINT, manual writing in GAIA and just, a friend. When hosting me at Findhorn we shared so many laughs and good conversations. I smile when I think of this... dry humour. And the passion for peoples empowerment, everywhere. Many of us will continue the work, with a thought to Jane and all what she has given. My condolences to the family and friends near her.
I feel the grief and also I deeply celebrate her journey on this planet...
She gave so much for us, for Gaia Education and for Gaia itself.... So many were impacted
and transformed by her, for sure. Life is so precious... Let's honor that through her
I first met Jane in 2007 as she hosted the GEN office of Jonathan Dawson in her row house conservatory in Findhorn's "Field of Dreams". I had the pleasure to work with Jane on several project ideas during the start-up of GEN International Scottish charity in Findhorn in 2010-12. She always able to see the perspective of beneficiaries in the global South, and strongly defended the imperative that projects had to deliver real outputs for real people. In 2013 we both participated in the Global Love School in Tamera, jokingly calling each other "my Love School buddy". Jane was a multifaceted cosmopolitan, yet incredibly focused on simply helping others and fearless to ruffle a few feathers if that was required. I feel great appreciation that I was able to get to know this beautiful being. She will be missed.
"Dear Jane, thank you for the paths you discovered and shared so earnestly with us. May the journey ahead be equally full of discoveries and sharing. Come and whisper in our moments of reflection with your unique voice, and lead us, once more, a step forward."
Dear Jane Rabash,
I have heard terrible news of your departure. From the heart of Africa, my heart aches. you supported, from afar, my work to promote ecovillages in the Democratic Republic of Congo, you believed in it as much as I did. I told myself that you would eventually come, see the realization of this dream of change that we shared. You just left, it's sad. I'm going to miss you. But, rest in peace, from all the wonderful work you have done on this earth. You will always be in my heart
Jane's passing is a great loss to the GEN/Gaia Education community. Jane and I worked together for many years, not least as fellow board members in Gaia Education. Jane was always postive and constructive whenever she entered the conversation, so it was always a pleasure to work with her. She will be missed by many of us. I send my condolences and love to her family.
Sad to hear this news, Jane, along with Pracha were invaluable mentors when I arrived at Wongsanit Ashram in 1997. As I learned about their work, they were in many ways responible for openening my eyes to the kind of world many folk yearned to live in, and to the practical steps necessary to create such à world. They will be greatly missed.
Jane was a very special person, dedicated to making this world a better place through education! Her heart was with who was less privileged and she always supported initiatives that would support good ideas. She has contributed so much to Gaia Education, her passing away is a great loss! I wish her much light on her way to the next dimension!
I think I really met Jane (well, probably I had seen her before) for the first time in the Copenhagen underground during the wild COP15 climate summit. We went together to Ross' and Hildur's house, where a lot of GEN people stayed during these days. Throughout the following years we met here and there in GEN and Gaia Education circles, but then in 2017 Jane came to Estonia where we had a really wonderful and fruitful international meeting to grow the idea of Gaia Schools. During that time I got to know much more about Jane's life, purpose and ideas. She always supported the transformative educational ideas and tools that are part of the Gaia (education) movement. And not knowing too much about her activities in South-East Asia, it seems to me that her vision and influence has really been transformative for many people there.
Journey well, dear Jane!
Such sad news that Jane had died. I knew her through Gaia Education for a number of years in a number of roles. She was such a great advocate of the ecovillage movement and Gaia Education. She was such a strong thread running through Gaia Education, staunchly committed to what it could achieve and what it was about. She inspired and guided so many people. She will be missed. My condolences to her family.
This is the time of mourning. This is the time to celebrate. This apparent contradiction is part of my memories of my dear Jane Rashbash. She was a master, a wise facilitator, and a bright heart and mind who walked her talk throughout her life. I'd had the privilege of working with Jane, learning from her, and being welcomed into Jane's house, where I felt like a family member.
For me personally, Jane was one of the brightest hearts and minds in the GEESE movement, creating bridges with Gaia Education and GEN. She had been several times a wised conflict mediator, looking always for the common good.
I pray for Jane to be in peace now, wherever she travels, in the next life, keeping in mind her teachings for our and future generations.
Namaste dear Jane, Love,
Alex Pereira
When I think of Jane, I sense her fiery Bodhisattva always in deep commitment to serve, especially young people in their growth into leadership roles. I would know, as she did the same for me after I met her on the first EDE T.O.T. at Findhorn in 2006. She and Pracha did a wonderful job holding the T.O.T. part of the course and it was them who saw the value in my just completed PhD work and who invited me to co-teach and facilitate on the first EDE in Wongsanit Ashram. It was such a privilege to spend time there with her, Pracha, Moo, Om, Jeranun, all people who would not be the same they are today had Jane not played an important role in their lives.
The very fact that she passed on her birthday shows that she came, served and went with deep intention and purpose. I feel privileged to have known her and yet she still feels strongly present to me right now and I sense this feeling will last.
Jane, we planted some olive trees with the money for trees you let on you last visit. For me, they will be a reminder of your and Pracha's role in helping me grow into the art of facilitation. Be well my friend. In deep gratitude.
I am deeply saddened by her passing as she will be missed. But at the same time celebrating her life because of her significant contribution in helping advance the cause of humanity. During one inspiring webinar, she was the first person I met online at Gaia Education. With you all in prayer.
These are really sad a news, I got acquainted with Jane's personality, passion and interests through shared team videocalls.. I remember how in 2022 she was very enthusiastic about a project and training in Thailand, travelling there at least a couple of times, and of course very involved with Findhorn, GEN and Gaia… Goodbye Jane, and thanks for everything!
I have spent so many amazing journeys in the wonderful company of Jane - to Africa and Asia, mainly. I first met her in Findhorn in 2004 and joined her and Pracha at Wongsanit Ashram for the GEESE meeting in 2007. Jane was brave, radical in her care for those without a voice and without rights, dedicated to empowerment. Jane was quirky and artistic in her love for the unusual and colourful. Jane was powerful in her care and love for both GEN and Gaia Education, and all the people and communities who make out these beautiful networks. Her life, though short, had a perfection of its own, and I trust that her light will continue to travel far. I offer my gratitude and love to hear and to all of her family. May she travel on in beauty. With love and friendship, Kosha
Dear Jane! On behalf of Gaia School in Estonia I would like to thank you for the the enriching collaboration we have had for several years. Your deep feminine wisdom, inner peace and gentle humour have inspired me and many others here in Estonia. Your diplomacy and empathy have carried the true spirit of Gaia.
May you have a beautiful journey home!
Dear Jane
Together with May East, you have breathed life into focus on youth education within Gaia Education. Without your efforts, the focus on this would not have developed as far as it has today. I have experienced you as a multi-talent, with a very big heart for innovation and education linked to experiences from eco-villages. When the request came from Gaia schools in Estonia and Tallinn University to adapt the EDE curriculum for young people, you and May East committed to it. This is the beginning of a development for attention to youth work within Gaia Education, which for me feels like the train that started slowly, and is now gaining momentum. For me, the future for a better world starts with education. And in that, you can't start early enough. To me, you are an inspired person, with super experience in training. You give projects power through your thoroughness and attention to the deeper layers of life. Your cheerfulness and creativity often provide a fresh perspective.
It touches me that life suddenly ended so dramatically for you. I will not easily forget the contact with you and feel intense gratitude for that. I last saw you on the terrace at Findhorn. I will think of you when I go there again... Kind regards
Monica Petter
Stichting Gaia Nederland
Also condolences on behalf of the board of Stichting Gaia Nederland, Henk Petter and Hugo
Dear p'Jane
Thank you for your kindness, underdstanding, sincereness and everything you have given to all of us in Thailand, Burma and Asia from the deep of your heart. We can touch and learn these always great support from you who came to this world to manifest them. From now on, please be in peace and got back everything all above.
I have had the honour of being first Jane's colleague and then, over the years, dear friend since 2012. I was so lucky to travel to Inle Lake in Burma with her in 2013 to support the business plan for an inspirational project led by Bobo Lwin and the young activists of the area. Once she had, rather ferociously, made sure that I wasn't going to bring any neo-colonial nonsense into project planning we had a wonderful time together. We have since worked together in several organisations, fundraising and providing support on inspirational projects near and far. Over the years, I have collected so many memories of hilarious red wine-drinking sessions in random places with Jane that I have to laugh even though I'm so sad as I write this. What a warm, kind, generous woman she was - especially to young people from around the World. So caring of me and my family, and so insightful. But also so cutting and so laser-like in her search for anything out of order that she really annoyed me on many occasions! I deeply appreciate her doing that. She kept me honest and made me question every decision and action I take in my work with Gaia Education. I literally always think, 'What would Jane say?' Sometimes I agree with her, sometimes I don't :D. -but I will miss having her insight and depth of reflection nearby. Thanks so much, Jane. I miss you. You made a difference to a lot of people's lives. xxx
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