Over 1,500 Multipliers Trained through our SDGs Trainings!

Since its launch in December 2016, the SDG Training of Multipliers has taken place 43 times in 16 countries and reached over 1,500 participants. The training inspires participants to explore the 17 SDGs and identify ways they can be implemented in their own bioregion.
The aim of the SDG Training of Multipliers is to empower each participant to facilitate their own meaningful conversations and multiply the impact of their learning by spreading it to others. The training adopts a community centred approach to implement the SDGs, helping in the global effort to achieve Agenda 2030.
With the SDG Multipliers Handbook and SDG Flashcards in hand, the Multipliers have the tools to organise their own SDG Training. These interactive learning tools, developed by Gaia Education and supported by UNESCO Global Action Programme, act as a guide for anyone interested in implementing the SDGs in their community.
We would like to thank all 1,500 participants of the SDG Training of Multipliers. We hope all the Multipliers organise their own inspiring trainings, creating the ripple effect necessary for the implementation of all the SDGs. Together we can achieve Agenda 2030, one community and one region at a time.
Find out more about the SDG Trainings of Multipliers and the upcoming dates here.
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