Gaia Trust founder, Ross Jackson, 80th birthday

Thank you dear Ross for your creative 80 years on this planet. Thank you dear Ross for being a conceptual and practical lead in the Global Ecovillage Network since its inception. In this more than 20 year movement, it is important to honor the uniqueness of Ross.
Ross’ recognition of the ways in which our lives connect with like-minded others ennobles and gives meaning to the everyday experience of our ecovillage creations. His way of holding an idea from a remote action-oriented discussion somewhere in the world and helping it to fruition by supporting its essence and its financial needs has been the core of our multifaceted collaboration – there is never a dull moment when working together. Ross is a true vision initiator with a practical side that gets most of our way-out ideas implemented. The wit and the fun combined with the serious proposals for action makes working with him truly a joy.

Ross and I have experienced quite different journeys from young manhood to older age, but one thing we have in common is that we have never lost our youthful enthusiasm. Ross’ 80th took place in Denmark near Skodsborg Beach with more than 80 people. Family and friends who had worked and played with him over the years, from the time of his move from Canada to Denmark in his twenties to the present day, were there to celebrate with him. Kosha Joubert, May East, Will Keepin and I were privileged to be there. We heard many stories of many unusual escapades and many business endeavors belonging to his life. We experienced him singing country music solo with a professional band for a good hour. We saw him dancing afterwards to this wonderful music and eventually we joined in a few circle dances to honor him with our movement.
My experience of Ross over 30 years has been one big inspiring, versatile and supportive dance – the dance of life full of meaning and love.
We all love you Ross.
Thanks again for your contributions to the betterment of this planet Earth.
Declan Kennedy
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