Letting the World Know About our Excellent Work!


by Daniel Christian Wahl

As many of you know, I recently published ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures’, a book that took me more than a decade to write and which I always aimed to be “a work that works”. This alchemical touchstone idea holds the intention that the book would leave the reader somehow transformed after reading it. I am not sure whether I achieved this high aim, but the reviews that have been coming in from different corners of the world and from many of my most important mentors and teachers, seem to suggest the book is a contribution to the Great Work: “the transition from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining society” as Joanna Macy and David Korton have called it, or the change from the ‘story of separation’ to the ‘story of interbeing’ as Charles Eisenstein has put it.

This is not another article about my book! What I want to share with you is that in the process of promoting the book, I have been writing a lot of articles for magazines and blogs, and in most of them, I have also tried to weave in the excellent work that all of you and the Gaia Education team are doing. We need to become more visible to those who have not yet realised that there is a way to learn more about how ‘to be the change we want to see in the world’, how to co-create thriving communities and local economies, how to become a global-local change agent and contribute to the Great Work.

You all have a role to play in this! If you did a course with Gaia Education – no matter how long ago – or if you have helped to organise an EDE, taught on one, or studied on-line with us, please, tell the world about it. Post your feedback on FacebookTwitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or create your own little blog on Medium or Niume. Share the stories of your experiences, insights and the projects that might have been informed by – or even born out of – the inspiration you might have felt on those courses and with your community of learners. Get in touch with Milla or Jesper and send them your story. We hope to publish a lot more of them over the coming months on our website.

Let me leave you with a selection of some of the articles I have published recently. ‘Education for meaningful sustainability and regeneration’ was published in The Ecologist. It shares the success story of an organisation that is close to all our hearts. After publishing ‘Creating Sustainability? Join the Regeneration!’ with them, I used the opportunity to propose a piece on Gaia Education.

UNESCO published a short newsflash and a link to the article in The Ecologist

Maddy Harland and our friends at Permaculture Magazine not only published a wonderful review of my book, but also an article that reviews the key role that permaculture designers have had in the rise of the Regeneration. Communities magazine published a piece on ‘Activism Revisited’ in which I reflect on my own work and also share the best definition of activism that I know, which I learned from May East.

I also published an article in the Scientific and Medical Network’s Review on ‘Regenerative Design and a Science of Qualities’, a post on the Schumacher College blog on ‘Transition Design as Holistic Science in Action’, and a post on the Biomimicry Institute’s blog on ‘Learning from Nature and Designing as Nature’. The P2P Foundation and Michel Bauwens have kindly offered to create a profile on their blog for me and are reposting many of these pieces over the coming weeks.

Yes, they were written to advertise my book and yet they also helped to almost double the visits to the Gaia Education website over the last couple of months. Please, join us in the effort of letting the world know about Gaia Education’s excellent work! Share your own story of learning or working with us, and in the process spread the word about Gaia Education. That too is design for multiple functions!

Daniel Christian Wahl acts as the Head of Innovation and Design at Gaia Education. Read more about his work here.


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