Ecosystem Restoration Summit 2022

Gaia Education is pleased to announce the Ecosystem Restoration Summit from the 2nd of September to the 10th. More than 15 amazing talks with experts from all over the world, and everything for free.
September 2
10 AM UTC - Ecosystems Restoration Camps
Ashleigh Brown & Pieter van de Gaag
5 PM UTC - Ecosystems Restoration Design Course Q&A with facilitators and alumni
Silvia Di Blasio & Yan Teixeira
8 PM UTC - Healing our seas, people and planet!
Kym Chi & Harriet Trower
September 3
10 AM UTC - Restoring and Re-storying Narratives of Ecosystem Restoration for Climate Resilience and Adaptation
Sara Queblatin
8 PM UTC - Restoring Temperate Forests: learnings from the Caledonian Forest in Scotland
Alan Watson Featherstone
September 6
10 AM UTC - Permayouth
Morag Gamble
September 7
Patrick Worms
8 PM UTC - Regenerative Seawater Agriculture: a regenerative, circular, mangrove-based agroecology
Neal Spackman
September 8
10 AM UTC - Restoring and creating healthy ecosystems in tropical situations – and everywhere else! – is infinitely easier than most people seem to believe.
John Button
5 PM UTC - how do we build resilience in our communities?
Oscar Gussinyer from Resilient Earth
September 9
10 AM UTC - Bringing Water to Life with Floating Ecosystems
Lisa Shaw
5 PM UTC - Cityplot Collective: “Growing edible cities, regenerating urban communities”
CityPlot (Julia Soler, Ann Doherty and Leonie Woidt-Wallisser)
8 PM UTC - Creative Partnerships for Thriving Regenerative Business
Wil Crombie
September 10
10 AM UTC - Slow down and return for the Earth
5 PM UTC - Regeneration is for everyone: Inspiration from around the world
Oliver Goshey
Daan Bleichrocht
Please see more information here:
The registrations are free.
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