Conversations on Resilience presents Jem Bendell

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Conversations on Resilience series has as its new guest Jem Bendell in September 9th!

Mark in your calendar an appointment with us for this incredible webinar! In September 9th, at 1:00 UTC, Jem Bendell from Deep Adaptation and author of "Breaking Together" will be our guest, and we want you to be part of this meaningful conversation 🌟

Jem Bendell is known for his groundbreaking work in environmental change and societal collapse. He will discuss the psychology behind this phenomenon and its potential to drive positive social change during times of crisis.

During the webinar, you will gain valuable insights into resilience from a renowned expert and understand the psychological and societal aspects of embracing change. After that, you will have discovered how you can be a force for positive social change in times of crisis.

Prof. Bendell will share insights from his book "Breaking Together," exploring the shift in societal values, the rejection of traditional systems, and the emergence of a new way of living centred on love, truth, and beauty. 

"Breaking Together" describes people allowing the total pain of our predicament to liberate them into living more courageously and creatively. They demonstrate we can be breaking together, not apart, in this era of collapse. Jem Bendell argues that reclaiming our freedoms is essential to soften the fall and regenerate the natural

“Our societies are breaking because of damage to the living systems of our planet.  It’s time to face this reality and this book helps us do just that. As further collapse unfolds we need a practical alternative to global panic. Jem Bendell has got one – restoring community self-reliance as a global effort.” Pooran Desai OBE, CEO, OnePlanet

The book can be downloaded as a free PDF here.


If you want to know more about Jem Bendell, his book and his incredible work and ideas, don't miss the chance to be part of Conversations on Resilience in September 9th! Sign up at this link

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We look forward to your presence 🤝


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