Another exciting move for Gaia Education in the UK

Gaia Education is delighted to announce a change in our UK office location. We are moving back to Findhorn Ecovillage in Moray, Scotland - the UK’s largest intentional community and a living laboratory for those engaged in designing a regenerative human presence in the world.

Reconnecting with our ecovillage roots is a top priority for Gaia Education, and this shift back to our birthplace embodies our commitment to that mission.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Edinburgh’s Summerhall for the incredible moments and unwavering support they provided during the many years we were based there. 

It is important to note that while the physical location may change, Gaia Education remains a truly global organisation. Our dedicated team and trustees are spread worldwide, from the lush landscapes of Georgia to beautiful s Brazil and from the vibrant shores of Australia to the rolling hills of Scotland. We have also launched an EU-based office in Brussels, so watch this space for more projects and activities from this new initiative.

If you'd like to get in touch or send us a letter, you can find us at our new address in Findhorn:

567 West Whins,

The Park, Findhorn,

Forres, Moray,



We are eager to hear from you. Whether you plan to visit us in Findhorn, Brussels, or any other corner of the world, we look forward to connecting with you soon.


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