News and Articles

Embark on a Transformative Journey with the Social Design Dimension

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The GEDS online learning course starts with an important dimension: Social Design in October 2nd!

Social Design is a dimension that will give you a better understanding of the true meaning of social equity and participatory action, and it will enable participants to apply transformative tools that align us with more resilient social systems.

Our relationship with others is too dear to let it default to old domineering paradigms, and with the Social dimension, you will rediscover the importance…

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Toolkit for Youth Eco-Activism | Webinar presentation


The Youth Action for Nature and Well-Being initiative is dedicated to fostering both individual and collective regenerative efforts in collaboration with young individuals and youth workers. This project, funded by Erasmus+, brought together six prominent European environmental educational organizations: ECO-UNESCO, Gaia Education, Resilience.Earth, The Rural Parliament of Slovakia, Youth for Smile, and Ecowellness Consulting.

One of the highly anticipated outcomes of this endeavor is now being…

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Conversations on Resilience with Jeremy Lent

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Conversations on Resilience presents a special guest in August 25th: Jeremy Lent from Deep Transformation and the Web of Meaning 🌱

Gaia Education is interviewing Jeremy Lent in the 25th of August at 8 PM (UTC), and we want you to join this fantastic conversation! Jeremy will present his vision on community and inner resilience from the perspective of someone who has studied the emergence and fall of entire civilisations and worldviews.

Jeremy Lent, hailed by George Monbiot, a journalist at The…

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Formação de Facilitadores (ToT) 2023 - Rio de Janeiro


Se você é um profissional que tenha interesse em facilitar processos coletivos de trabalho, aprendizagem e ação colaborativa com foco em ação sistêmica e regenerativa nos projetos, organizações ou comunidades em que está engajado, o programa ToT é destinado a você 🌞

O ToT (Training of Trainers), conhecido como Formação de Facilitadores e organizado pela Gaia Education, consiste em um projeto cujo objetivo é aprofundar a experiência de facilitação participativa …

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Conversations on Resilience: Rosemary Morrow as Our Next Guest

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Conversations on Resilience presents Rosemary Morrow as the next guest on the 11th of August!

Please mark in your calendar an appointment with us on August 11th at 10 PM (UTC time), as we will be hosting a significant guest to speak about Permaculture for Refugees: Rosemary Morrow. Additionally, we will have the incredible academic and eLearning coordinator Silvia Di Blasio as our host 

Rosemary Morrow has over 40 years of experience teaching and practising permaculture with vulnerable popula…

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New Dates! Join GEDS for Regenerative Design and Sustainability

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The highly awaited date of the year has arrived once again! The GEDS course has new dates, starting on October 2nd with the Social Dimension!

The GEDS is an online learning course promoted by Gaia Education where the students will improve their social, economic, worldview and ecological design thinking skills and practical tools to create regenerative communities. Our team genuinely believe that the world can change one person and one community at a time 🌱


The dates of the different dimensi…

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Embark on a Journey of Deep Transformation with 'Principles and Practices of Deep Transformation' Course

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Gaia Education, a renowned educational institution focused on sustainability and human development, is offering the "Principles and Practices of Deep Transformation" course as a unique opportunity for those interested in promoting personal change and contributing to global sustainability.

The E-learning course starts on October 7, but the registrations are only until October 14. 

Register here!


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Learn How to Build Regenerative Communities and Cultivate Resilience

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Are you passionate about creating resilient communities and regenerative livelihoods? Look no further! Gaia Education is excited to announce its upcoming webinar series, "Conversations on Resilience," where renowned speakers, activists, and authors will delve into the depths of community resilience.

The series aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to prepare and respond to psychological, social, economic, and ecological challenges. Gaia Education firmly believes that…

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In Spain for a youth project


Earlier this year, the Gaia Education team were busy bees taking part in two 'Youth Action for Nature and Well-being' events in Europe - Spain and Edinburgh. Our youth are facing many challenges surrounding nature disconnection and eco-anxiety, so we are thrilled to be part of a project empowering youth to face these challenges head-on. Helping us all build towards a more sustainable future where the youth are empowered to take environmental action while maintaining their mental health and well-…

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What is 'Systems Thinking'?

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"Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes rather than parts, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots, and for understanding the subtle interconnectedness that gives living systems their unique character." 

        - Peter Senge, author of - 'The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organisation. 

Have you ever wondered what we mean when discussing "systemic" problems or saying "the system is broken"?

Although some of us may be familiar with the…

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