What is regenerative literacy?


Image from Anglopix

When you have the understanding and the words to describe something, you can become more engaged with it. Eco- or regenerative literacy is integral in helping us understand our environment while developing intrinsic regenerative values and the skills needed to maintain in harmony with nature. 

It goes beyond sustainability by focusing on restoring, renewing, and enhancing the natural environment, human communities, and their interactions with one another. Imagine if our f…

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What happens when you shift the power dynamics of pedagogy?

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This text is adapted from a chapter called "Pedagogy" written by Jonathan Dawson from the book Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary created by Alberto Acosta. 

Pedagogy: from the middle French (16th century), from Latin paedagogia, ‘education, attendance on boys’, from paidagogos ‘teacher’.

Challenging Assumptions in Education

Our current educational systems have many dominating core assumptions that are so deeply entrenched in us that we are rarely even aware of their existence. The a…

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Latest from Global sustainable development with Scottish International Alliance


Last week, Gaia Education had the opportunity to attend the Scottish International Development Alliance’s annual conference, held at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. This significant event brought together a diverse group of NGOs, global development experts, and healthcare professionals to explore collaborative strategies for creating a more equitable and sustainable world for future generations.

The conference buzzed with energy as NGOs, global development experts, and healthcare professionals conv…

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Connecting and Co-Creating: Reflections from the GEN Europe Ecovillage Gathering at Ängsbacka


GEN Europe’s Ecovillage Gathering was held at Ängsbacka in Sweden this year, from 20-25 August. Taisa, Macaco, Peter, and Sally had the pleasure of representing Gaia Education at this Community of Communities.

We connected with longterm friends, colleagues and partners, absorbed the latest innovations in thought, presencing and action in the ecovillage and regenerative world, co-envisioned new projects, and got updated on all the news from around the European movement and beyond. It is a vital ev…

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Cultivating an education as if people and planet mattered


Image from Pixabay Pexels

'The volume of education has increased and continues to increase, yet so do pollution, exhaustion of resources, and the dangers of ecological catastrophe. If still more education is to save us, it would have to be education of a different kind. '

-EF Schumacher

It is all too easy to despair in the face of the inertia in our various systems that stifles the kind of changes that we so urgently need to respond to the crises facing us. This is true not least in the fie…

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Design for Resilience: Meet our Resilience Master!

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The Design for Resilience course, created by Silvia di Blasio, is our response to the multiple crises that humanity is currently facing. We strongly believe that equipping individuals and communities with tools and knowledge about the different forms of resilience is the best way to ensure their ability to face challenges, adapt to change and thrive in times of uncertainty.

But resilience is not a simple subject. That’s why we wanted to make sure you’re in good hands during your learning journe…

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Embracing Holistic Sustainability: Empowering people to Lead Change in Their Communities


Image from Nuria Millas

In our rapidly changing world, we face numerous deep and pressing concerns. Global inequality, climate change, wars, biodiversity loss, unrestrained urbanisation, and destructive economic growth are just a few of the challenges we must address. These issues demand our immediate attention and action. It is time for each of us to step up and take an active role in redesigning and co-creating a healthier, more fulfilling world.

At Gaia Education, we believe that educatio…

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A select team of facilitators awaits you in Findhorn!

Findhorn PDC mini-EDE blog post (1200 x 628 px)

Gaia Education and Ecovillage Findhorn have teamed up to offer you an incredible learning opportunity and community living experience.

There are two courses in sequence (you can choose to participate in both or just one of them), which will provide an immersion in Findhorn and the principles, concepts and ethics that support one of the oldest ecovillages in the world. Plus, you will be supported by a select team of facilitators and teachers who will enhance your journey with a lot of knowledge …

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EDE Gaia Education, a potência de um programa versátil na experiência do ciclo Gaia vivA

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*Texto escrito por Lara Freitas e Marina Dain, organizadoras e facilitadoras do ciclo Gaia Viva.

O ciclo Gaia vivA foi a resposta que encontramos para a necessidade que tínhamos, durante a Pandemia, de continuar realizando o EDE (Ecovillage Design Education). Esse impulso nos levou a a essa rica experiência que foi redesenhar o programa do curso presencial para o online.

Em 2021, realizamos a primeira edição, 100% online/ao vivo. Inicialmente ficamos apreensivas de como seria o EDE sem senta…

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