News and Articles

Reflexiones sobre el Solsticio


¡Feliz Solsticio! ❤️
Mientras celebramos el cambio de estaciones en el Norte y el Sur, ¡el equipo de Gaia Education les desea felices fiestas!

Aquí hay una breve reflexión sobre este momento, de nuestro colega Henrique, Soporte de TI de Gaia Education, de Portugal.

"La vida es desequilibrio. La vida es un contraste de fuerzas que danzan en oposición, siempre en busca de la perfecta armonía, sin alcanzarla nunca. Día y noche, luz y sombra, vida y muerte, intercalados en un abrazo vital.

Si el p…

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Reflexões sobre o Solstício


Feliz Solstício! ❤️
Enquanto celebramos a mudança das estações no Norte e no Sul, a equipe Gaia Education deseja a você Boas Festas!

Aqui está uma breve reflexão sobre esse momento vinda de nosso colega Henrique, Gaia Education IT Support, de Portugal.

"A vida é desequilíbrio. A vida é um contraste de forças que dançam em oposição, sempre à procura da harmonia perfeita, sem nunca a alcançar. Dia e noite, luz e sombra, vida e morte, intercalam-se num abraço vital.

Se o planeta fosse uma esfera …

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Reflections on the Solstice

Solstice 2023 (1)

Happy Solstice guys! We celebrate the changing of the seasons in both the north and the south, wishing you all seasonal greetings!

Here is a short reflection from Henrique, Gaia Education's mastermind & IT support. 

"Life is imbalanced. Life is a contrast of forces dancing in opposition, always in search of perfect harmony, without ever achieving it. Day and night, light and shadow, life and death, interspersed in a vital embrace.

If the planet were a perfect sphere, with no slopes, and no ups an…

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Become a Board Member at Gaia Education!


Picture by Shane Rounce at Unsplash

Applications are now open for Board Members to join the Board of Trustees at Gaia Education. We are looking to recruit those who can provide strategic direction and legal and financial oversight to our organisation. 

  • Do you have the skills & expertise to help steer our organisation? 
  • Have you managed or guided projects/ organisations within the field of sustainable development? 
  • Are you passionate about helping spread Gaia Educations message across the g…

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Another exciting move for Gaia Education in the UK

Gaia Education is delighted to announce a change in our UK office location. We are moving back to Findhorn Ecovillage in Moray, Scotland - the UK’s largest intentional community and a living laboratory for those engaged in designing a regenerative human presence in the world.

Reconnecting with our ecovillage roots is a top priority for Gaia Education, and this shift back to our birthplace embodies our commitment to that mission.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Edinburgh’s S…

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Designing a Better World with the GEDS Ecological Dimension

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(Photo by Tama66 on pixabay)

Ecological dimension is coming soon!

The Ecological Design starts in January 15th, and we would be excited to have you join us in this GEDS dimension 🌱

Ecological education and design is a multifaceted field embracing green regenerative architecture, sustainable agriculture, environmental engineering, permaculture solutions, clean renewable energy sources, ecosystem restoration and regenerative development. 

With the Ecological dimension, you'll learn how to live…

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Why do we need resilience?

(Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash)

We spoke with 'Design for Resilience' course creator, Silvia Di' Blasio, to get insights into the upcoming course and uncover why we all should be looking to increase our resiliency in modern times. 

Course Starts December 2nd (Click here to find out more!)

What is Design for Resilience all about?

"Design for resilience involves the design of the systems on which you and your community depend, both physical (water, food, energy, shelter,…

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Join Us in Shaping Resilient Futures with Design for Resilience Course!

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Unleash Your Resilience: Design a Brighter Future with Us 🌍

If you're passionate about fostering resilience and adapting to the challenges of today and tomorrow, this course is tailor-made for you. Whether you're an individual, community leader, or part of an organisation, the Design for Resilience course equips you with the skills to navigate an uncertain world.


Our planet is undergoing unprecedented changes, from environmental …

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Conversations on Resilience presents Jem Bendell

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Conversations on Resilience series has as its new guest Jem Bendell in September 9th!

Mark in your calendar an appointment with us for this incredible webinar! In September 9th, at 1:00 UTC, Jem Bendell from Deep Adaptation and author of "Breaking Together" will be our guest, and we want you to be part of this meaningful conversation 🌟

Jem Bendell is known for his groundbreaking work in environmental change and societal collapse. He will discuss the psychology behind this phenomenon and its po…

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Exciting events ahead! Check the agenda and join us!


In a world that cries out for urgent changes, Gaia Education remains active in its mission to present, discuss and enhance alternatives to the status quo. In the coming months we will be hosting and participating in a myriad of events that will catalyze community transformations, promote resilience and train new agents of change.

Whether online or face-to-face, you are invited to join us at one of these events around the world! Check out the agenda below:

Catalysing Communities, Brussels Confe…

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