Learn about the 4 dimensional framework in the Foundation for Intentional community webinar

The purpose of Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) is bring communities around the world together into a hub to share knowledge, resources and connect with each other to build a movement. 

The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) has over 35 years of partnership with hundreds of intentional communities around the world. At a time when people are desperate for more social connection and answers to complex problems, intentional communities offer hope in an increasingly broken world. …

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How do we cool our cities as temperatures sore & heatwaves increase?


If you've been sweating in your linens this summer and sticking your head in the fridge to get respite from the heat, you're not alone. Europe & other parts of the world are experiencing more intense and frequent heat waves yearly. Although there are many reasons this is happening; warming of the oceans, melting of the polar ice caps, changes in the jet stream and global warming, 'natural climate variability can make it difficult to tease out specific influences'... 

One thing's certain; human ac…

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Heading Towards Regenerative Futures

A short letter from our much loved Jane Rasbash, who's an integral pillar in Gaia Educations operations, projects, curriculum, processes and as a whole. Jane takes us on a journey through Myanmar, Thailand and Scotland, giving us a short overview of her journey. She has been and continues to be a huge advocate for underserved communities and grassroots activists.  

A Journey allying with Gaia Education   

- Jane Rasbash 

In 1996 whilst living at Wongsanit Ashram in Thail…

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What is sustainable education? What is transformative learning?


In the description of many of the Gaia Education courses, you'll come across phrases like; "creating a sustainable learning model" and "helping you build a regenerative life". But what do these terms and phrases mean?

The world of sustainability is no stranger to buzzwords and trends, but how can you identify authenticity from greenwashing phrases we so often see across society; in retail, supermarkets, and cosmetics branding. 

Terms like 'paradigm shift', 'regenerative change', and 'transformat…

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Nature is a Human Right!

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"Green space is vital to our welfare - But millions are being deprived of it"

'Nature is a Human Right' is a recent book by Ellen Miles.

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Ellen Miles is an urban greening activist who lives and works in London. In 2020, Ellen founded Nature is a Human Right, the campaign for the United Nations to recognise daily exposure to green space as a universal right. Her book, Nature is a Human Right (DK, 2022) brings together a collection of original perspectives from the campaign's supporters – scien…

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Building Regenerative Futures Seminar - 8 July 2022

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Gaia Education and our European partners for the GaiaYES and Community Catalysts for Transformative Economies projects are delighted to invite you to our one-day 'Building Regenerative Futures' Seminar. We hope you can join us, online or face-to-face!

This free event will present the tools, educational platforms and curricula we are developing with our EU partners to support the next generation of young pioneers, as they build regenerative futures in the face of Climate Change.

We will also hold a…

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What About the Climate Refugees?





Today marks World Refugee Day - every year on June 20th, the world celebrates bringing awareness to the plight, lives & human stories of global refugees -2022 see's the focus on the right to seek safety.

There are many reasons communities & people become displaced; war, violence, religious, national, social, racial, political persecution, gender/sexual orientation, hunger and climate change. "But officially, climate change is not yet a valid reason for an asylum claim. In 2013, the firs…

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Gaia Education awarded prestigious Luxembourg Peace Prize for global education efforts in sustainability & regeneration

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Press release June 2022

Scotland-based charity, Gaia Education will be presented with the Luxembourg Peace Prize for Education 2022 on 17th June in the Schuman Building, Luxembourg.

Gaia Education is being recognised for outstanding efforts and initiatives to promote peace.

This prestigious prize is awarded in a number of categories, including outstanding peace education, outstanding peace activist and outstanding peace support.

The Prize is awarded by the World Peace Forum and the…

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Join the push to protect our only planet - World Environment Day


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World Environment Day on 5 June
is the biggest international day for the environment. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually since 1973, the event has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach, with millions of people from across the world engaging to protect the planet. This year, #WorldEnvironmentDay 2022 is hosted by Sweden. “Only One Earth" is the campaign slogan, with the focus on “Living Sustai…

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Discover a project helping kids stay connected with each other & nature during Covid

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“Education doesn't change the world,
Education changes people,
People change the world” - Paulo Freire


Living through a global pandemic has not been an easy ride for us. But our children have been the ones most affected as they're still in their developmental stages and need consistent engagement through learning and contact. This week, we bring you a story full of inspiration, shedding a spotlight on a children-focused learning centre in Barcelona, Spain, 'The Chestnut Tree'. The project is b…

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