News and Articles

We stand in Solidarity with Australia and The Philippines


Gaia Education team stand in solidarity with the people of Australia and The Philippines during this time of unprecedented natural disasters and unimaginable suffering.

We also stand with all two legged and four legged creatures; the winged ones, the furry ones, fish, reptiles and all life forms as well as the forests and homes devastated in the fires and volcanic eruptions gripping the Asia-Oceania region. We send our prayers for a quick recovery.

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Pelangi – Analysis and Design Proposal for the Pelangi Farm Community Authors Daria (a Design Studio Case Study)


Turn your inspiration into action. Learn how to develop analytical skills that can apply to consulting and practising sustainable design.

The Pelangi Project is a exciting output of the Design Studio, which participants of the Design for Sustainability (GEDS) programme are able to engage with once they have completed the four dimensions- social, ecological, economic design & worldview.

The focus of the Design Studio is to get you to think about and practise integrative whole systems de…

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Sipapu – Temple of Emergence (a Design Studio Case Study)


Turn your inspiration into action. Learn how to develop analytical skills that can apply to consulting and practising sustainable design.

Sipapu Project is a thrilling output of the Design Studio, which participants of the Design for Sustainability (GEDS) programme are able to engage with once they have completed the four dimensions- social, ecological, economic design & worldview.

The focus of the Design Studio is to get you to think about and practise integrative whole systems design, go…

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Gaia Education’s special Holiday Bundle is now available!


Sustainable shopping is on a lot of people’s minds this year, and Gaia Education is now offering the educational materials and incentives that you need to help create a more sustainable lifestyle for yourself and the communities around you, at a unique bundle price!

Our special Holiday Bundle includes:

  1. Gaia Education’s SDGs Flashcards, containing over 200 questions on the system-wide approaches to achieving the 2030 Agenda. The SDG Flashcards help to create problem-centric group conversa…

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An Unforgettable Learning Journey – Training of Trainers Thailand


The upcoming Training of Trainers programme (ToT) is the 13th co-facilitated at Bornok Beach with Pracha Hutanuwatr and Jane Rasbash. Participants wake up every morning to the sound of gentle waves as a tropical beach is the wonderful setting of the Thai ToT programme. The Training of Trainers course uses a participatory learning approach that builds a community of learning and draws deeply from participant experience and knowledge. Thus, conditions for empowerment are seeded and nurtured as…

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An Unforgettable Learning Journey – Training of Trainers Thailand


The upcoming Training of Trainers programme (ToT) is the 13th co-facilitated at Bornok Beach with Pracha Hutanuwatr and Jane Rasbash. Participants wake up every morning to the sound of gentle waves as a tropical beach is the wonderful setting of the Thai ToT programme. The Training of Trainers course uses a participatory learning approach that builds a community of learning and draws deeply from participant experience and knowledge. Thus, conditions for empowerment are seeded and nurtured as…

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10 Things I Loved About Training of Trainers on Mindful Facilitation for Empowerment + Global Goals for Sustainable Development

Screenshot 2021-07-12 at 3.02.46 PM

  1. The people: facilitators, staff, volunteers, participants, resort staff
  2. The circle of friends, with whom I laughed and cried
  3. Strong connection with nature
  4. Ability to learn in a safe environment
  5. Beauty of co-creation & diversity
  6. Introduction to community living
  7. Journey towards becoming a mindful facilitator, for helping people to empower themselves
  8. Learning to listen deeply, balance “being” & “doing”, have compassion for others
  9. Time for self-reflection, opportunity to know…

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Die Lernkarten der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele für Jugendliche sind ab sofort auf Deutsch erhältlich!


English translation below.

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass unsere Lernkarten für nachhaltige Enwicklungsziele für Jugendliche in unserem Gaia Education Shop ab sofort auch auf Deutsch erhältlich sind! Mit Unterstützung von Claudia Kälin (Übersetzerin) und Plattform Footprint konnten die SDG-Flashcards für Jugendliche vereinfacht ins Deutsche übersetzt werden und somit stehen unsere Lernkarten der Nachhaltigkeitsziele nun auch allen deutschsprachigen Jugendlichen zur…

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Clean City – An enterprise founded by a Graduate of the Gaia Education Design for Sustainability (GEDS) Course


Clean City is a social enterprise founded by Taylor Smythe, a graduate of the Gaia Education course. Taylor and Clean City work to educate local individuals and communities on how to segregate waste, build a waste management facility and implement the first trash collection program of its kind in Chitwan, Nepal.

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Learning in times of rapid and uncertain change


In these fast changing times, our skills and abilities as a species, as citizens, and as individuals will be tested as never before. We need to build on success and discard the unworkable. We need to discover the thus far elusive ways through our inability to respond politically and economically, and maybe even spiritually, to the global challenges we face. For this we need an education that will enable us, particularly our young, to work effectively, collaboratively and creatively to solve …

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